留学群专题频道艾森豪威尔栏目,提供与艾森豪威尔相关的所有资讯,希望我们所做的能让您感到满意! 德怀特·艾森豪威尔(Dwightd Eisenhower,1890年10月14日—1969年3月28日)美国第34任总统,陆军五星上将。在美军历史上,艾森豪威尔是一个充满戏剧性的传奇人物。他曾获得很多个第一。在美军历史上,共授予10名五星上将,艾森豪威尔是晋升得“第一快”;他出身“第一穷”;他是美军统率最大战役行动的第一人;他是第一个担任北大西洋公约组织盟军最高统帅;他是美军退役高级将领担任哥伦比亚大学校长的第一人;他是美国惟一的一个当上总统的五星上将。


英语听力练习材料 英语听力练习 英语听力

  下面留学群小编为大家推荐的英语听力材料是怀特艾森豪威尔与记者的精彩问答---一个留下很多未解谜团的总统:PWe Have Cut Expenditures 我们已经降低了支出,没有发现秘密协议。详细内容如下:


  Reporter: Merriman Smith, United Press: Mr. President, we have heard something of this from other sources, but we wonder if you could tell us about the reasons and your plans to ask Congress to postpone the corporation and excise tax reduction next year?


  Eisenhower: Well, it is a very simple process. As I have told you before, the financial affairs of the Government are really very complicated, and they have numbers of unknown factors. One of them is the expenditures, what they are going to be, which always have to be estimated in advance. Another is income. And the other, of course, is the deficit and its effect on the value of the dollar, which introduces, definitely a variable factor. This administration has been very much in favor, as you know, of extending such things as social security coverage, unemployment coverage, and all that sort of thing. There are two reasons for that一there are three reasons: one, of course, is the humanitarian, giving to these people a feeling of security and confidence. Two, the added stability you get in times of recession; you keep up the income ...

