IT MUST seem to Donald Trump that reversing globalization is easy-peasy. With a couple of weeks still to go before he is even inaugurated, contrite firms are queuing up to invest in America. Last week Ford cancelled a $1.6 billion new plant for small cars in Mexico and pledged to create 700 new jobs building electric and hybrid cars at Flat Rock in Michigan—while praising Mr Trump for improving the business climate in America. Other manufacturers, such as Carrier, have changed their plans, too. All it has taken is some harsh words, the odd tax handout and a few casual threats.
特朗普肯定觉得逆转全球化易如反掌。离他正式就任尚有一两周,一家家幡然悔悟的公司已纷纷开始投资于美国本土。上周,福特取消了在墨西哥投资16亿美元建设小型车新工厂的计划,承诺在密歇根州的福拉特洛克(Flat Rock)创造700个生产电动车及混合动力车的新职位,同时还称赞特朗普改善了美国的商业环境。其他各家生产商,如开利(Carrier),也都已改变了计划。特朗普所做的只是说了几句难听的话,给了些莫名其妙的税收好处,信口威胁了几家企业。
Mr Trump has consistently argued that globalization gives America a poor deal. He reportedly wants to impose a tariff of 5% or more on all imports. To help him, he has assembled advisers with experience in the steel industry, which has a rich history of trade battles. Robert Lighthizer, his proposed trade negotiator, has spent much of his career as a lawyer protecting American steelmakers from foreign competition. Wilbur Ross, would-be commerce secretary, bought loss-making American steel mills just before George W. Bu...