成均馆大学(Sungkyunkwan University),简称SKKU,一所拥有六百多年辉煌历史的知名学府,在著名的三星集团成为其财团之后,成均馆大学进入了飞速发展,老学府现在也焕发着新光彩,成均馆大学有着国内最高水准的医科大学及优秀的理工科学部,正在进一步实现其宏伟目标。成人才之未就,均风俗之不齐,成均馆大学也一直在贯彻这样的准则。作为一名国际学生想去成均馆大学读本科,该提交哪些申请材料呢?下面是留学群为大家整理的成均馆大学本科申请资料,供大家参考。
1 Admission Requirements
A. International students whose both parents are foreign national. (Non‐Korean nationality) (Exception: For Taiwanese nationals, at least one of parents must be a foreign national) (Students with dual nationality are not accepted)
B. International students who have graduated from high school, expected to graduate in February, 2015 r have high school graduate equivalency approved by an authorized organization.
A.国际学生父母双方均为外国公民(非韩国国籍)。(例外: 台湾公民,父母至少一人为外国公民)(不接受双重国籍的学生)。
B.高中毕业的国际学生,预计在 2015 年 2 月毕业,有官方授权颁发的高中同等学历。
2 Korean Language Requirements
SKKU requires at least one of the following language requirements: (Language test scores must be valid from August 2013 or later)
1) TOPIK (Test of Proficiency in Korean) level 3 or above
2) Completed Korean course level 3 or above in SLI (Sungkyun Language Institute) or can prove Korean language ability equivalent to this level
▪ Applicants for Global Economics/Global Business Administration needs to meet English language requirement in addition to Korean: iBT 1...