I said a prayer for you today
And know God must have heard
I felt an answer in my heart
Although He spoke no word!
I asked for happiness for you
In all things great and small
but it was for His loving care
I prayed the most of all!
在我们还是罪人的时候,主为我们献出肉身,遭受苦难,被钉十字架,使我们今日得以因信称义,安享太平,在这样的节日里,我们把这些赞美歌曲献给主-《Mary,Did You Know》《When A Child Is Born》《When Christmas Comes To Town》《Amazing Grace》。
Dear Mum and Dad
What can I say?
You've been with me
All along the way.
Your sweet and selfless spirit
That deals with those come-
I tell you now,,quite honestly
You've brightened all my days.
父母带给我血肉之躯,含辛茹苦抚育我们成人。在阳光灿烂的日子里,他们送我一片情空;飘雨落雪时节,他们为我撑起一把温情的伞。在感恩节到来之际,我们要对爸爸妈妈唱首歌:《A Song For Mama》《Mama》《The Woman In My Life》《My Fathers Eyes》《Dance With My Father》
A teacher is like Spring,
Who nurtures new green sprouts,
Encourages and leads them,
Whenever they have doubts.
A teacher is like Summer,
Whose sunny temperament
Makes studying a pleasure,
Preventing discontent.<...