作为韩国第二大国立大学的庆北大学,每年会有来自世界各地的优秀学子申请来此留学进修,但是作为一名国际学生想申请庆北大学,需要满足什么条件呢?录取的程序又是什么呢?下面是留学群 m.liuxuequn.com 为大家整理的庆北大学入学须知及录取步骤,供大家参考。 1. Eligibility 申请资格
A. Master's Programs and Combined Master’s / Doctoral Programs
International applicants must meet all of the following requirements:
-He or she holds (or is about to hold) a Bachelor’s degree
-He or she is not a citizen of Korea
-His or her parents are not citizens of Korea
-持有 (或即将持有) 学士学位
B. Doctoral Programs
International applicants must meet all of the following requirements:
-He or she holds (or is about to hold) a Master’s degree
-He or she is not a citizen of Korea
-His or her parents are not citizens of Korea
-持有 (或即将持有) 硕士学位
C. Eligibility for language proficiency
(Master’s Programs, Doctoral Programs, Master’s and Combined Doctoral Programs) Applicants must provide one of the following as proof of language proficiency:
① Korean proficiency: A "TOPIK" certificate for level 3 or higher
② ...