【原文】With students from over 130 countries we have experience working with international qualifications and hope these pages provide information on entry requirements that we accept. If the course you are studying or have studied is not listed here please contact the Undergraduate Admissions office by e-mail at admit (non-Essex users should add @essex.ac.uk to create full e-mail address) or by phone, +44(0)1206 873666.
学校的学生来自130多个国家,对处理国际资格证明很有经验,希望此页面能提供学校所接受的入学要求的相关信息。如果你希望学习的课程或学习过的课程不再列表内,请邮件或电话联系本科生招生办公室(非埃克塞斯用户应该添加@essex.ac.uk以创建完整的邮件地址),电话:+44(0)1206 873666。
【原文】Please note that non-native English speakers are also required to meet the University’s English Language Entry Requirements.
【原文】Pathway courses
【原文】Our International Academy offer foundation programmes, four-year degrees and International Diplomas in Business and Economics with successful completion leading to progression to Year 1 or Year 2 of undergraduate courses at the University.