首先,新南威尔士州印花税新政要求针对于合同日期在2017年7月1日之后的购房买卖,买家为‘海外人士 (foreign person)’的购房者,在本身基础印花税之上,还需要额外缴纳税率为合同价格8%的海外人士印花税部分(即 ‘surcharge purchaser duty’)。交税时间为合同日期之后的三个月。
因此,第一个问题关键是要搞清楚买家是否为‘海外人士’。新政对于‘海外人士’的定义基于Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 2015 (FATA)里面给出的相关解释:
‘foreign person means:
(a) an individual not ordinarily resident in Australia; or
5 Meaning of ordinarily resident
(1) An individual who is not an Australian citizen is ordinarily resident in Australia at a particular time if and only if:
(a) the individual has actually been in Australia during 200 or more days in the period of 12 months immediately preceding that time; and
(b) at that time:
(i) the individual is in Australia and the individual’s continued presence in Australia is not subject to any limitation as to time imposed by law; or
(ii) the individual is not in Australia but, immediately before the individual’s most recent departure from Australia, the individual’s continued presence in Australia was not subject to any limitation as to time imposed by law.
(2) Without limiting paragraph (1)(b), an individual’s continued presence in Australia is subject to a limitation as to time imposed by law if the individual is an unlawful noncitizen within t...