荷兰留学新生入学手续办理指南。对于广大荷兰留学新生来说,即将开始的荷兰留学生活是新鲜而陌生的。下面留学群小编要来为准备去荷兰留学的同学们介绍一下荷兰留学新生如何办理入学手续,同学们赶快来看一下吧,希望对大家能有所帮助。 首先,你还在国内的时候会收到一封邮件,来自你的学院的information desk,邮件名称为Visa and residence permit application approval (TEV)。里面的内容是:
第一,你的visa和residence permit已经准备好了, 并告诉你你的V-number;
第三,让你去registerat the city hall, 就是大家俗称的“报地址”。注:如果去荷兰留学的同学换了住址,就应该还去register一次。
第三点去city hall是大家比较关心的,现把这封名为Visa and residence permit application approval (TEV)邮件的这部分原文粘贴如下:
“Registering at the city hall
All students staying in the Netherlands formore than 4 months are obliged to register at the city hall. We advise you tocombine picking up your residence permit with your registration at the city hall,so you will only have to visit the city hall once!
Important: you will need your birthcertificate or a legalized copy in order to register at the city hall. Weadvise you to bring this document with you when you travel to the Netherlands.”
然后,在你到了以后,学校的immigration desk会再发一封邮件,名为Pick up your residence permit( incl tbc)! 内容为:
第一,让你去领residence permit, 地点就在city hall,所以建议你领residencepermit和register at the city hall 这一步一起做,一天完成;
第二,重申你可以去registerat the city hall了;
第三,给出了肺结核检察的相关信息和链接,以及附件里有监察时要用的表格。现把邮件中city hall开门时间的原文粘贴如下:
“Opening hours of the city hall:
Monday : 8.00 - 12.00 and between 13.00 –16.00
Tuesday : 8.00 - 12.00 and between 13.00 ...