伦敦政治经济学院是英国一所顶尖的高等院校,在今年的QS世界大学排名中排在38位,具有非常强大的竞争力。伦敦政治经济学院一直以来与牛津大学、剑桥大学、伦敦帝国学院和伦敦大学学院一起并称为“英国G5大学集团”。 那么学院的住宿条件怎么样呢?有哪些申请条件?和留学群来看看吧。
Student accommodation
The LSE residential services office allocates over 4000 places across 17 locations in the centre of London. This gives you unique access to a broad variety of student rooms that suit different preferences, needs and budgets.
What's on offer? Great value rooms, with or without en suite, shared rooms and studios. Utility bills, internet access and content insurance are included. You'll save on travel costs, as most residences are within walking distance of LSE. Contracts are available on a 31, 38, 40 or 50 week basis, with catered and self-catered options.
As a first year undergraduate or General Course student, LSE guarantees you an offer of accommodation, as long as you apply before the deadline. We give priority to students with disabilities.
A mix of students lives in each hall. Home and overseas, men and women and in some residences undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Refurbishment and maintenance works are sometimes run during the academic term.