三重大学的奖学金分为四类:培训学生(trainng students )奖学金、日语学习学生(Japanese Studies students)奖学金、师范类学生(teacher trainng students )奖学金和统招生(regular stduents)奖学金。每类奖学金金额不同,申请办法也不同。下面留学群为大家介绍日语学习学生奖学金。一起来看看吧。
Japanese Studies students
This is a Japanese Study Course mainly for the Government-sponsored scholarship students. Students who enroll in the undergraduate program in the foreign universities and study in the fields of Japanese Language and Culture. The course is for one year and students will go back to their own university to continue their study after completing this one-year program.
In this program, we aim to strengthen the recognition on the individuality and universality of culture through comparing cultures of Japan and other countries while enhancing Japanese language ability.
For the first six months of the program, students are to take classes of Japanese language and cross-cultural understanding & adaptation. In the last six months, students are to continue these studies and receive advices from their advisors to expand their own research.
Required Documents for Submission-