2018US News意大利大学学科排名

  1.agricultural sciences

  The field of agricultural sciences encompasses a wide range of subjects related to how humans use and develop natural resources for their benefit. They include horticulture, food science and nutrition, dairy science and agronomy. These are the top universities in Italy for agricultural sciences, based on their reputation and research in the field.

World rankNational rankUniversitySubject score
46=1University of Bologna67.2
712University of Milan59.7
823University of Naples Federico II58.1
914University of Bari56.6
1225University of Florence50.2
129=6University of Padua49.5
151=7University of Parma45.6
1568University of Turin44.5
1609University of Catania42.5
163=10University of Palermo41
18611University of Perugia36.5

  2.arts and humanities

  The broad field of arts and humanities deals with the study of human history and expression. Among the subjects included in this discipline are archaeology; language and linguistics; and performing arts. These are the top universities in Italy for arts and humanities, based on their reputation and research in the field.

World rankNational rankUniversitySubject score
111=1University of Bologna44.8
1422Sapienza University of Rome39
185=3University of Padua30.9

  3.biology and biochemistry

  The best universities for biology and biochemistry show strength in producing research in the field and have top-notch reputations. The field of biology and biochemistry includes many subjects, such as anatomy, physiology and pathology, which all share a core mission of analyzing the science of life. These are the top universities in Italy for biology and biochemistry.

World rankNational rankUniversitySubject score
1151University of Florence50
1252University of Padua49.1
149=3Sapienza University of Rome46.3
1544University of Milan35.4
204=5University of Bologna40.5
225=6University of Naples Federico II39.3
270=7University of Turin35.8
355=8University of Rome Tor Vergata28.8
363=9University of Siena29.3
37010University of Pisa28


  Students interested in chemistry can explore these well-regarded universities that have shown strength in producing research in the field. Chemistry is the study of matter, or the “stuff” in and around us, and is related to biology and physics. Subjects include organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry and analytical chemistry. These are the top universities in Italy for chemistry.

World rankNational rankUniversitySubject score
1701University of Bologna58.9
193=2=Sapienza University of Rome56.9
193=2=University of Florence56.9
217=4Polytechnic University of Milan55.1
2325University of Milan54.3
236=6University of Trieste53.9
281=7University of Pisa51.1
286=8University of Turin50.9
293=9University of Naples Federico II50.6
297=10University of Padua50.5
299=11University of Perugia50.4
332=12University of Milan - Bicocca48.1
357=13Polytechnic University of Turin46.5
37514University of Rome Tor Vergata45.7
39215University of Salerno44.3
40116University of Calabria43.6
42417Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa42.2
489=18University of Parma38.9
514=19University of Messina37.4
544=20University of Pavia36
548=21University of Genoa35.9

  5.Computer science

  Computer science is the study of computers and their uses, and the field comprises a wide range of subjects. They include software engineering and design, artificial intelligence theory, programming languages, information systems and information technology. These are the top universities in Italy for computer science, which were ranked based on their reputation and research in the field.

World rankNational rankUniversitySubject score
701Polytechnic University of Milan62
1312Sapienza University of Rome49.7
1373University of Bologna49.3
1434University of Trento48.3
1665University of Padua43.9
1916Polytechnic University of Turin39.5
195=7University of Pisa39.1

  6.economics and business

  Students interested in how we use money and other resources can explore these well-regarded universities with a strength in economics and business. The field encompasses a range of subjects, including finance, management, organizational science and labor matters. These are the top universities in Italy for economics and business, based on their reputation and research in the field.

World rankNational rankUniversitySubject score
271Bocconi University62.2
150=2University of Bologna29.8


  Geosciences is the study of Earth, from its structure to the history of its formation. Topics in the field include oceanography, petroleum geology, geology, geochemistry, geophysics and climatology. These are the top universities in Italy for geosciences, which were ranked based on their reputation and research in the field.

World rankNational rankUniversitySubject score
164=1University of Padua47.4
195=2Sapienza University of Rome42.5

  8. immunology

  These universities have shown strength in producing research related to immunology, which is the study of the human body's defense system. Topics within the field include infectious diseases, autoimmunity and allergy, and therapies related to the treatment of disease. These are the top universities in Italy for immunology, based on their reputation and research in the field.

World rankNational rankUniversitySubject score
861University of Milan50.2
1342Vita-Salute San Raffaele University39.1
1433University of Genoa37.7
1484University of Padua36.3
1515Sapienza University of Rome35.7
1856University of Bologna26.3
1867University of Florence25
1878University of Rome Tor Vergata24.6
1889Catholic University of Sacred Heart24.3
19510University of Turin21.3

  9.Materials science

  Materials science looks at the design and creation of just that: the materials we use to make things. Topics within the field include ceramics, textiles, biomaterials, metals and alloys, and superconductors and semiconductors. The field is related to chemistry and engineering. These are the top universities in Italy for materials science, based on their reputation and research in the field.

World rankNational rankUniversitySubject score
1541Polytechnic University of Milan48.6
170=2Polytechnic University of Turin46.5
180=3University of Bologna43.8
185=4Sapienza University of Rome43.5
2585University of Padua36.8
3366University of Trento27
346=7University of Rome Tor Vergata26.1
361=8University of Naples Federico II24.4
3759University of Modena and Reggio Emilia23.2


  The field of mathematics uses patterns, reasoning and other concepts to solve problems. Subjects include pure and applied mathematics, statistics and probability. Students interested in mathematics can explore these top-notch universities that have shown strength in producing research in the field. These are the top universities in Italy for mathematics.

World rankNational rankUniversitySubject score
32=1University of Milan72.8
36=2Sapienza University of Rome71.8
703Polytechnic University of Milan62.1
78=4Polytechnic University of Turin60.1
83=5University of Pavia59.1
1086Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa55.8
1277University of Rome Tor Vergata53.2
140=8University of Padua51.3
1499International School for Advanced Studies48.7
157=10University of Pisa47.9
164=11University of Bologna46.9
17312University of Florence45.9
177=13University of Milan - Bicocca45.2
19614University of Palermo42


  Microbiology is the study of very small organisms, such as protozoa and bacteria, and looks at how these organisms can be applied for basic science or clinical use, among other topics. The field uses biology and biochemistry. These are the top universities in Italy for microbiology, based on their reputation and research in the field.

World rankNational rankUniversitySubject score
1181Sapienza University of Rome42.6
162=2University of Milan35.7

  12.molecular biology and genetics

  The best universities for molecular biology and genetics have shown strength in producing research on a variety of topics associated with basic and applied genetics, as well as cell functionality. Topics include receptor biology, regulation of gene expression, biomedical engineering, clinical genetics, patterns of inheritance and molecular genetics. These are the top universities in Italy for molecular biology and genetics.

World rankNational rankUniversitySubject score
1041University of Milan46.2
114=2Vita-Salute San Raffaele University44.1
1623University of Bologna37.5
1704University of Rome Tor Vergata35.8
1745University of Padua35.4
177=6Sapienza University of Rome35

  13.neuroscience and behavior

  The field of neuroscience and behavior deals with many subjects, all of which relate to the study of the brain and nervous system. Subjects include molecular psychology, neuronal function, neurology, neuronal development, and cellular and molecular neuroscience. These are the top universities in Italy for neuroscience and behavior, based on their reputation and research in the field.

World rankNational rankUniversitySubject score
1011University of Milan50.6
107=2Vita-Salute San Raffaele University50.1
1093Sapienza University of Rome50
1634University of Bologna40.8
180=5University of Turin38
198=6University of Padua35.2

  14.pharmacology and toxicology

  Pharmacology is the study of drugs, while toxicology looks at negative effects of chemicals in living organisms. Topics in this field include pharmaceutics, cellular and molecular pharmacology, and clinical toxicology. These are the top universities in Italy for pharmacology and toxicology, based on their reputation and research in the field.

World rankNational rankUniversitySubject score
741University of Milan56.5
90=2University of Naples Federico II52.7
98=3Sapienza University of Rome51.7
1094University of Florence49
159=5University of Turin40.9
161=6University of Bologna40.7
1647University of Padua40.4
1838University of Siena38.1
1939University of Messina36.8

  15.plant and animal science

  Students interested in plant and animal science can explore these top-notch universities that have shown strength in producing research related to the field. Topics include plant research, plant pathology, plant nutrition, veterinary medicine, marine and freshwater biology, and zoology. These are the top universities in Italy for plant and animal science.

World rankNational rankUniversitySubject score
119=1University of Padua65.4
139=2Sapienza University of Rome62.1
1493University of Milan61.1
1644University of Bologna59.1
177=5University of Naples Federico II57.4
1886University of Turin55.9
204=7University of Pisa53.7
244=8University of Bari49
252=9University of Florence48.1
280=10Tuscia University45.3
292=11University of Palermo44.3
377=12University of Catania35.3
384=13Marche Polytechnic University34.1
38914University of Perugia33.8
398=15University of Sassari32.4

  16.psychiatry and psychology

  The fields of psychiatry and psychology deal with the study of the mind and behavior. Topics include applied, biological and organizational psychiatry and psychology, as well as the identification and treatment of psychiatric disorders. These are the top universities in Italy for psychiatry and psychology, based on their reputation and research in the field.

World rankNational rankUniversitySubject score
129=1Sapienza University of Rome45.2
142=2University of Padua43.6
168=3University of Milan - Bicocca40.4
1874University of Bologna39

  17.social sciences and public health

  The field of social sciences and public health looks at many different topics related to the people and organizations around us. Topics include communication, environmental studies, political science, social work, sociology, law, education, and tourism and hospitality. These are the top universities in Italy for social sciences and public health, based on their reputation and research.

World rankNational rankUniversitySubject score
183=1University of Milan44.4
214=2Sapienza University of Rome41.7
225=3University of Bologna40.8
2364University of Turin39.8
248=5Bocconi University38.8
270=6University of Florence37.4
3007University of Padua34.4
303=8European University Institute34.1
373=9Catholic University of Sacred Heart27.7

  18.space science

  These well-regarded universities have shown strength in producing research related to a number of topics in the field of space science. Topics include astronomy and astrophysics, celestial bodies and other subjects related to the study of the universe. These are the top universities in Italy for space science.

World rankNational rankUniversitySubject score
201University of Padua75.5
502University of Trieste63.1
52=3International School for Advanced Studies61.5
52=4University of Rome Tor Vergata61.5
645Sapienza University of Rome58.4
66=6University of Milan58.1
797University of Bologna55.4
958University of Ferrara51.7
1879University of Pisa28.3
194=10University of Naples Federico II25.4














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