The Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (UAM) is among the best education establishments in Spain and the European Union in terms of the quality of teaching and research. It aims to prepare professionals with the profiles needed by society.
The UAM offers a wide range of courses, with 52 undergraduate programmes. It holds a leading position in the most prestigious international university rankings. According to the QS Rankings, the UAM is 186th in the world and 12th in Europe.
UAM offers an extensive range of studies which attracts students and can be homologated within the European Union area. There is a Tutorial Action Plan under which students are guided and supported by a personal tutor during their course of study.
The Universidad Autònoma de Madrid (UAM) offers 72 graduate programmes and 94 PhD programmes across eight faculties:
Faculty of Philosophy and Liberal Arts, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Economical Science and Business Management, Faculty of Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Psychology, Superior Polytechnic School, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education.
The Universidad Autònoma de Madrid is a comprehensive, dynamic and modern public university which is committed to society and to the environment. UAM is open to the world with a genuine academic atmosphere.
The university is home to 32,000 domestic and international students. Most of the university facilities are in Cantoblanco Campus. This campus includes the six of the UAM’s eight faculties: Philosophy and Liberal Arts, Law, Economics, Business Management and Science.
Faculty of Economics and Business Studies
The Faculty of Economics and Business Studies of Universidad Autónoma de Madrid is one of the leading Economics and Business schools in Spain, Europe, and the World. It offers a wide range of first-class bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees. Its research spans all areas of Economics and Business Studies.
Law Faculty
The UAM Law Faculty is rated among the best Law Faculties in Spain. Studies on offer often figure among the best in Spain and the students in all programs have the opportunity to do internships in some of the most prestigious law firms and institutions, both public and private, with whom the Faculty collaborates. Among the teaching staff are members of the country´s highest judicial institutions and the Civil Service.
Medicine Campus
The Medicine Campus includes the Faculty of Medicine, the Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas Alberto Sols (Alberto Sols Biomedical Research Institute), the centro mixto UAM-CSIC (combined UAM-Spanish Council for Scientific Research centre), and the Instituto Teófilo Hernando de I+D del Medicamento (Teófilo Hernando Institute for Drug Development). The campus is located in the north of Madrid, just 100 metres from the La Paz University Hospital, one of the six hospitals it has links with. It is less than 1 km away from two first-class research centres, both included in the proposal for a UAM-CSIC International Campus of Excellence and affiliated to the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Carlos III Health Institute), the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas (National Oncology Research Centre [CNIO]) and the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (National Centre for Cardiovascular Research [CNIC]). The Faculty has 300 members of teaching staff, 75 administration and services employees and around 1800 students.
医学校区集中了医学院、Alberto Sols 生物医学研究所、马德里自治大学—西班牙委员会科研中心和Teófilo Hernando 药物研发中心。医学校区位于马德里北部,距离拉巴斯大学医仅百米之遥,后者也是医学校区与之有联络的六个医院之一。在医学校区一公里以内就有两个一流的研究中心。这两个研究中心都已出现在 UAM-CSIC 国际优秀校区提议中,并且都附属于卡洛斯三世卫生研究所、国家癌症研究中心和国家心血管研究中心。医学院有3百名教职人员,75名行政管理服务人员和近1千8百名学生。