1.Faculty of Medicine
Together with the university clinics, the preclinical and scientific institutes and the clinical and theoretical departments, the Faculty of Medicine is one of the largest institutions for medical training and higher education in Baden-Württemberg.
2.Faculty of Humanities
On October 1st in 2010 the Faculty of Humanities was founded by merging the former Faculties of History and Philosophy, Modern Languages and Cultural Anthropology. Being divided into five departments the Faculty contains almost every Humanities Institute and Professorship of the University. As before, the Institutes remain principle contact when it comes to specialized issues.
Today's Faculty complies essentially with the former Faculty of Humanities which was established 1477, the founding year of the University, and existed until 1970. The joint Dean's office is now in Keplerstr. 2, 2nd floor. The former Dean's offices of History and Philosophy (Sigwartstr. 12) as well as of Cultural Anthropology (Hölderlinstr. 19) moved in February 2011.
3.Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
In October 2010 the University of Tuebingen formed a joint faculty of Economics and Social Sciences that includes the departments of historical & cultural anthropology, educational science, political science, sociology, sports science, and the school of business and economics. At the moment more than 60 Professors do research and teach more than 5.000 students at our faculty. You are more than welcome to discover our website in order to get an impression of the great variety of teaching and research topics that our faculty offers.
4.Faculty of Science
The wide spectrum of courses offered by our Faculty of Science is interesting and more fascinating than ever, allowing different choices and combinations and providing solid professional qualifications. Important technological progress has made this variety possible, since many new areas have been included, from nanotechnologies to global climate change. The boundaries of the traditional study areas and courses are no longer as rigorous as in the past. Interdisciplinary research is of key importance, dealing with the current challenges, which are significantly relevant for the entire society and for each individual in part. The current major research topics of our faculty with high applicability are health, aging society, environment, climate and energy, just to name a few.
The Faculty of Science has a lot to offer to students and researchers alike. Besides traditional degree programs, we offer an interesting mix of interdisciplinary courses that have attracted many students for quite some time now and innovative programs addressing new technological and societal challenges. The Faculty of Science not only offers the traditional degree programs like biology, chemistry, geosciences, computer science, mathematics, pharmaceutics, physics and psychology, but also a variety of interdisciplinary degree programs, like biochemistry, bioinformatics or geoecology. Special degree programs with a specific, applied focus have also been included, like nanosciences, medical technology, applied environmental geoscience, human geography, archaeology, cognitive science, pharmaceutical sciences and technologies or media informatics, medicine informatics and bioinformatics. Recently the Faculty of Sciences also offers Bachelor of Education programs in various teaching subjects such as biology, chemistry or physics.
As a research university, the teaching activity at the University of Tübingen is closely connected to and benefits directly from the numerous international research projects. Currently approximately 1.400 researchers and 180 professors work in different research networks. We offer our more than 9.500 students outstanding opportunities for their education in many different areas. Therefore we can provide the optimal prerequisites for our graduates that leave our faculty with a bachelor, master or PhD diploma in order to find most suitable job opportunities in the industry, research and education.
Our focus lies not only on the constant improvement of interdisciplinary research and teaching. We have also undertaken a restructuration of our academic administration and management structures in order to assure quality and professionalism and a better focus on specific activity areas. Such areas imply different tasks which are now covered by individual experts; these structures allow us to take over new responsibilities without automatically increasing public spending in times of financial restrictions. This way we intend to actively support the development of teaching and research at our faculty and also to support the University of Tübingen to become even more competitive, both on national and international level. In this context, you can find on our web pages our management team and corresponding areas of responsibility.
5.Center for Islamic Theology
The Center for Islamic Theology (ZITh) was founded formally as part of the University of Tübingen in 2011 to offer degree programs in Islamic theology and related religious studies. Teaching at the Center began in the winter semester of 2011/12 with an undergraduate program entitled "Islamic Theology" followed by a teacher’s education course, "Islamic Religious Education" in winter semester of 2013/14. Currently, 210 students study at the Center across our various degrees programs which include “Islamic Theology” (BA), “Islamic Religious Education” (B. / M. Ed.), “Islamic Theology in the European Context” (MA) and "Practical Islamic Theology for Pastoral Care and Social Work" (MA).
The founding of the ZITh was due to a need identified by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) leading to the establishment of Islamic centers of theology in Germany (marking the 1st and 2nd funding phase 10/2011 to 09/2021, respectively). This has subsequently led to the creation of four other centers of Islamic Theology namely, Erlangen, Frankfurt, Münster and Osnabrück. Their establishment has initiated a dynamic exchange and cooperation of research and teaching creating innovative approaches to the contemporary study of Islam.
名字 | 身份或成就 |
贝时璋 | 中国生物学家 |
乔冠华 | 中国外交家 |
林山田 | 台湾刑法学者 |
张汝伦 | 复旦大学中国哲学教研室主任 |
先刚 | 北京大学哲学系教授 |
黄茂荣 | 税法学者,司法院大法官 |