Community Engagement: : Co-constructing Knowledge with Communities
A new online professional learning course
As both government and non-government organisations (NGOs) across the globe seek new ways to engage communities in ongoing dialogue concerning service policy, provision and development this new online course on Community Engagement from the University of Edinburgh seeks to:
Understand what is meant by community engagement
Uncover what lies behind this policy trend
Reveal the importance of engaging communities on their terms
Consider ways of researching the priorities of communities
Explore the importance of open forms of communication
Examine ways of offering expertise in non-authoritarian terms
Help students, practitioners and their organisations develop strategies and policies for community engagement
Who is this course for?
This course will be of interest to you if:
You have responsibility for community engagement
You want to build a community network
You want to design services to make sure they are relevant
You need to gather views from people who use your services
You want to enable students to engage in real world community based learning
You want to facilitate Community University partnerships
Course Delivery
The course will be delivered over the course of ten weeks from March to May 2017.
The online teaching will offer students the opportunity to access podcast lecture inputs and other online materials; gain online access to University library materials via visiting student membership status; engage in on-line discussion forums; be part of an online community offering structured academic support to engage in and critically reflect on real world community engagement tasks.
Course tutors
The course will be coordinated and taught by Dr Margaret Petrie and Vernon Galloway who each have more than twenty years experience of implementing community engagement theory and practice.
Course Fee
The cost of the course is £700.
Course credit
This course is delivered at Masters level (SCQF level 11) and can be completed as a Career Long Professional Learning course. Successful completion of the assignments on this course will represent 20 credits of a Masters level course and could be used as Recognition of Prior Learning should a participant want to proceed to a Masters level Degree.
Masters Pathway
This course is an accredited course on the revised Masters in Community Education now called Masters in Education: Learning in Communities
Language requirements
Students whose first language is not English must show evidence of their English language competence
More Information
For more information please contact the course tutors:
Margaret Petrie: [email protected] 0131 651 4788
Vernon Galloway: [email protected] 01312 651 6640