
  Cost of Attendance – Graduate Students

  Estimated annual expenses for full time graduate students:


NC Residents

Out of State Residents

Tuition & Fees

$10,572 $25,094

Books & Supplies

$854 $854


$8,964 $8,964


$4,075 $4,075

Personal/Travel Expenses

$3,740 $3,740

Loan Fees

$180 $180


$28,385 $42,907

  Health insurance expenses are not included in the total cost of attendance. Students who purchase the University’s health insurance plan may contact their financial aid counselor to request the expense be included in their individual cost of attendance.

  *Indicated costs are good faith estimates. Tuition and fees are finalized with the NC Legislature vote in late summer.

  Note: Students enrolled in the following programs pay additional incremental tuition amounts. See the University Cashier’s Office for details.

  -Master’s of Accounting

  -Master’s of Architecture

  -Master’s of Art and Design

  -Master’s of Business Administration

  -Master’s of Financial Mathematics

  -Master’s of Global Innovation Management

  -Master’s of Graphic Design

  -Master’s of Industrial Design

  -Master’s of Landscape Architecture

  -Master’s of Science in Analytics

  Direct Costs (billed):

  Direct costs are billed by the University Cashier’s Office.

  -Tuition and fees are billed through the University Cashier’s Office several weeks before the beginning of each semester.

  -Health Insurance Opt In costs are billed by the University Cashier’s Office when you opt in or do not opt out with Student Health.

  Indirect Costs (not billed):

  Indirect costs are not billed by the University Cashier’s Office and are not directly paid by financial aid. These costs are based on averages of expenses reported by NC State Students. For personal budgeting purposes, you can use your own estimates for indirect expenses based on your expected personal spending and circumstances.

  -Off-campus Rent

  -Off-campus Food

  -Books and Supplies

  -Personal Expenses

  -Travel Expenses

  -Health Insurance Opt Out

  Fall 2016 - Spring 2017 Rates Per Semester


  Tuition Rates will not be final until the North Carolina Legislature Passes the Budget Bill

  An additional Mandatory Health Insurance charge will be included on your account unless you waive out of the semester premium charge.

Residents of North Carolina
Hours Tuition Required Fees * Campus Security Fee Total
0-2 $1,011.00 $409.04 $5.00 $1,425.04
3-5 $2,022.00 $409.04 $5.00 $2,436.04
6-8 $3,033.00 $818.07 $10.00 $3,861.07
9+ $4,044.00 $1,227.23 $15.00 $5,286.23
Nonresidents of North Carolina
Hours Tuition Required Fees * Campus Security Fee Total
0-2 $2,826.25 $409.04 $5.00 $3,240.29
3-5 $5,652.50 $409.04 $5.00 $6,066.54
6-8 $8,478.75 $818.07 $10.00 $9,306.82
9+ $11,305.00 $1,227.23 $15.00 $12,547.23

  * Students enrolled in the College of Engineering will be charged a COE Program Enhancement Fee.Graduate students will be charged $500 (9 or more hours), $333.30 (6-8 hours), and $166.65 (0-5 hours).

  Special Rates

  -Degree Seeking On Campus Student (on-campus subplan) takes either all on-campus courses or a mixture of on-campus and Distance Education (DE) courses:

  Billed at on-campus stair-step tuition and fees (no extra charge for either DE or on-campus credits above full time level of 9 SCH for a Graduate student or 12 SCH for an Undergraduate student.

  -DE Student (DE subplan) takes all DE courses:

  All billed at DE rate.

  -DE Student (DE subplan) takes some DE courses and some on campus:

  Billed at DE rate (tuition and DE fees) for DE courses.

  Billed at On-campus stair-step tuition and fees for on-campus courses.

  -Non-Degree Seeking (NDS) Students:

  Billed per credit hour at DE rates for DE classes.

  Billed at On-campus stair-step tuition and fees for on-campus courses.

  -All Undergraduate Studies (UGS) students are charged at the Undergraduate Rate. Post-Baccalaureate Studies (PBS) students who enroll in any 100-400 level courses only are also charged at the undergraduate rate. PBS students enroll in any 500-800 level courses are charged at the graduate rate for all courses for which they are registered.

  -Cooperative Education Program Fee: $490.00. Students enrolled for both co-op and other course work must pay the rates applicable to both type registrations.

  -Full-time faculty/staff course: Completed waiver for a given semester must be received in the Cashier's Office no later than 5:00 pm on the 10th day of classes for a Fall or Spring semester or the 3rd day of a summer session. For information concerning regulations, please visit Faculty Staff Tuition Waiver Regulations.


  -Undergraduates Degree students: the fee to audit a course is the same as if the course is taken for credit.

  -Graduate Degree students: when registering during the Fall or Spring semester and paying for other on-campus coursework, may register for one on-campus audit course at no charge. Distance Education courses do not qualify as the on-campus course work and are not eligible for the free audit.

  When registered for more than one audit course, only one will be free. Any additional audited courses will have the same rates as for credit courses. When registered for an audit course only, the rates are the same as for credit.

  Courses changed to Audit after the 10th day of a Fall or Spring semester are not eligible for the free audit. New audit courses added after the 10th day are not eligible for the free audit.

  Fall 2015 - Spring 2016 Rates Per Semester

  Veterinary Medicine (DV, DVM)

  An additional $863.50 Mandatory Health Insurance charge will be included on your account unless you waive out of the semester premium charge.

Residents of North Carolina
Hours Tuition Tuition Increment Required Fees Campus Security Fee Total
0-2 $1,224.50 $750.00 $390.27 $5.00 $2,369.77
3-5 2,449.00 1,500.00 390.27 5.00 4,344.27
6-8 3,673.50 2,250.00 780.55 10.00 6,714.05
9+ 4,898.00 3,000.00 1,170.94 15.00 9,083.94
Nonresidents of North Carolina
Hours Tuition Tuition Increment Required Fees Campus Security Fee Total
0-2 $4,326.25 $750.00 $390.27 $5.00 $5,471.52
3-5 8,652.50 1,500.00 390.27 5.00 10,547.77
6-8 12,978.75 2,250.00 780.55 10.00 16,019.30
9+ 17,305.00 3,000.00 1,170.94 15.00 21,490.94

  Special Rates

  -Degree Seeking On Campus Student (on-campus subplan) takes either all on-campus courses or a mixture of on-campus and Distance Education (DE) courses:

  Billed at on-campus stair-step tuition and fees (no extra charge for either DE or on-campus credits above full time level of 9 SCH for a Graduate student or 12 SCH for an Undergraduate student.

  -DE Student (DE subplan) takes all DE courses:

  All billed at DE rate.

  -DE Student (DE subplan) takes some DE courses and some on campus:

  Billed at DE rate (tuition and DE fees) for DE courses.

  Billed at On-campus stair-step tuition and fees for on-campus courses.

  -Non-Degree Seeking (NDS) Students:

  Billed per credit hour at DE rates for DE classes.

  Billed at On-campus stair-step tuition and fees for on-campus courses.

  -All Undergraduate Studies (UGS) students are charged at the Undergraduate Rate. Post-Baccalaureate Studies (PBS) students who enroll in any 100-400 level courses only are also charged at the undergraduate rate. PBS students enroll in any 500-800 level courses are charged at the graduate rate for all courses for which they are registered.

  -Cooperative Education Program Fee: $430.00. Students enrolled for both co-op and other course work must pay the rates applicable to both type registrations.

  -Full-time faculty/staff course: Completed waiver for a given semester must be received in the Cashier's Office no later than 5:00 pm on the 10th day of classes for a Fall or Spring semester or the 3rd day of a summer session. For information concerning regulations, please visit Faculty Staff Tuition Waiver Regulations.


  -Undergraduates Degree students: the fee to audit a course is the same as if the course is taken for credit.

  -Graduate Degree students: when registering during the Fall or Spring semester and paying for other on-campus coursework, may register for one on-campus audit course at no charge. Distance Education courses do not qualify as the on-campus course work and are not eligible for the free audit.

  When registered for more than one audit course, only one will be free. Any additional audited courses will have the same rates as for credit courses. When registered for an audit course only, the rates are the same as for credit.

  Courses changed to Audit after the 10th day of a Fall or Spring semester are not eligible for the free audit. New audit courses added after the 10th day are not eligible for the free audit.

  Fall 2016 - Spring 2017 Rates Per Semester

  Tuition Rates will not be final until the North Carolina Legislature Passes the Budget Bill

  Master of Science in Analytics

  An additional Mandatory Health Insurance charge will be included on your account unless you waive out of the semester premium charge.

Residents of North Carolina
Hours Tuition Tuition Increment Required Fees Campus Security Fee Total
0-2 $1,011.00 $1,250.00 $409.04 $5.00 $2,675.04
3-5 $2,022.00 $2,500.00 $409.04 $5.00 $4,936.04
6-8 $3,033.00 $3,750.00 $818.07 $10.00 $7,611.07
9+ $4,044.00 $5,000.00 $1,227.23 $15.00 $10,286.23
Nonresidents of North Carolina
Hours Tuition Tuition Increment Required Fees Campus Security Fee Total
0-2 $2,826.25 $1,250.00 $409.04 $5.00 $4,490.29
3-5 $5,652.50 $2,500.00 $409.04 $5.00 $8,566.54
6-8 $8,478.75 $3,750.00 $818.07 $10.00 $13,056.82
9+ $11,305.00 $5,000.00 $1,227.23 $15.00 $17,547.23

  Special Rates

  -Degree Seeking On Campus Student (on-campus subplan) takes either all on-campus courses or a mixture of on-campus and Distance Education (DE) courses:

  Billed at on-campus stair-step tuition and fees (no extra charge for either DE or on-campus credits above full time level of 9 SCH for a Graduate student or 12 SCH for an Undergraduate student.

  -DE Student (DE subplan) takes all DE courses:

  All billed at DE rate.

  -DE Student (DE subplan) takes some DE courses and some on campus:

  Billed at DE rate (tuition and DE fees) for DE courses.

  Billed at On-campus stair-step tuition and fees for on-campus courses.

  -Non-Degree Seeking (NDS) Students:

  Billed per credit hour at DE rates for DE classes.

  Billed at On-campus stair-step tuition and fees for on-campus courses.

  -All Undergraduate Studies (UGS) students are charged at the Undergraduate Rate. Post-Baccalaureate Studies (PBS) students who enroll in any 100-400 level courses only are also charged at the undergraduate rate. PBS students enroll in any 500-800 level courses are charged at the graduate rate for all courses for which they are registered.

  -Cooperative Education Program Fee: $430.00. Students enrolled for both co-op and other course work must pay the rates applicable to both type registrations.

  -Full-time faculty/staff course: Completed waiver for a given semester must be received in the Cashier's Office no later than 5:00 pm on the 10th day of classes for a Fall or Spring semester or the 3rd day of a summer session. For information concerning regulations, please visit Faculty Staff Tuition Waiver Regulations.


  -Undergraduates Degree students: the fee to audit a course is the same as if the course is taken for credit.

  -Graduate Degree students: when registering during the Fall or Spring semester and paying for other on-campus coursework, may register for one on-campus audit course at no charge. Distance Education courses do not qualify as the on-campus course work and are not eligible for the free audit.

  When registered for more than one audit course, only one will be free. Any additional audited courses will have the same rates as for credit courses. When registered for an audit course only, the rates are the same as for credit.

  Courses changed to Audit after the 10th day of a Fall or Spring semester are not eligible for the free audit. New audit courses added after the 10th day are not eligible for the free audit.

  Fall 2016 - Spring 2017 Rates Per Semester

  Tuition Rates will not be final until the North Carolina Legislature Passes the Budget Bill

  Master of Financial Mathematics

  An additional Mandatory Health Insurance charge will be included on your account unless you waive out of the semester premium charge.

Residents of North Carolina
Hours Tuition Tuition Increment Required Fees Campus Security Fee Total
0-2 $1,011.00 $750.00 $409.04 $5.00 $2,175.04
3-5 $2,022.00 $1,500.00 $409.04 $5.00 $3,936.04
6-8 $3,033.00 $2,250.00 $818.07 $10.00 $6,111.07
9+ $4,044.00 $3,000.00 $1,227.23 $15.00 $8,286.23
Nonresidents of North Carolina
Hours Tuition Tuition Increment Required Fees Campus Security Fee Total
0-2 $2,826.25 $750.00 $409.04 $5.00 $3,990.29
3-5 $5,652.50 $1,500.00 $409.04 $5.00 $7,566.54
6-8 $8,478.75 $2,250.00 $818.07 $10.00 $11,556.82
9+ $11,305.00 $3,000.00 $1,227.23 $15.00 $15,547.23

  Special Rates

  -Degree Seeking On Campus Student (on-campus subplan) takes either all on-campus courses or a mixture of on-campus and Distance Education (DE) courses:

  Billed at on-campus stair-step tuition and fees (no extra charge for either DE or on-campus credits above full time level of 9 SCH for a Graduate student or 12 SCH for an Undergraduate student.

  -DE Student (DE subplan) takes all DE courses:

  All billed at DE rate.

  -DE Student (DE subplan) takes some DE courses and some on campus:

  Billed at DE rate (tuition and DE fees) for DE courses.

  Billed at On-campus stair-step tuition and fees for on-campus courses.

  -Non-Degree Seeking (NDS) Students:

  Billed per credit hour at DE rates for DE classes.

  Billed at On-campus stair-step tuition and fees for on-campus courses.

  -All Undergraduate Studies (UGS) students are charged at the Undergraduate Rate. Post-Baccalaureate Studies (PBS) students who enroll in any 100-400 level courses only are also charged at the undergraduate rate. PBS students enroll in any 500-800 level courses are charged at the graduate rate for all courses for which they are registered.

  -Cooperative Education Program Fee: $430.00. Students enrolled for both co-op and other course work must pay the rates applicable to both type registrations.

  -Full-time faculty/staff course: Completed waiver for a given semester must be received in the Cashier's Office no later than 5:00 pm on the 10th day of classes for a Fall or Spring semester or the 3rd day of a summer session. For information concerning regulations, please visit Faculty Staff Tuition Waiver Regulations.


  -Undergraduates Degree students: the fee to audit a course is the same as if the course is taken for credit.

  -Graduate Degree students: when registering during the Fall or Spring semester and paying for other on-campus coursework, may register for one on-campus audit course at no charge. Distance Education courses do not qualify as the on-campus course work and are not eligible for the free audit.

  When registered for more than one audit course, only one will be free. Any additional audited courses will have the same rates as for credit courses. When registered for an audit course only, the rates are the same as for credit.

  Courses changed to Audit after the 10th day of a Fall or Spring semester are not eligible for the free audit. New audit courses added after the 10th day are not eligible for the free audit.

  College of Design

  Fall 2016 - Spring 2017 Rates Per Semester

  Tuition Rates will not be final until the North Carolina Legislature Passes the Budget Bill

  Master of Art and Design (MAD),

  Master of Industrial Design (MID),

  Master of Graphic Design (MGD),

  Master of Architecture, Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA)

  An additional Mandatory Health Insurance charge will be included on your account unless you waive out of the semester premium charge.

Residents of North Carolina
Hours Tuition Tuition Increment Required Fees Campus Security Fee Total
0-2 $1,011.00 $175.00 $409.04 $5.00 $1,600.04
3-5 $2,022.00 $350.00 $409.04 $5.00 $2,786.04
6-8 $3,033.00 $525.00 $818.07 $10.00 $4,386.07
9+ $4,044.00 $700.00 $1,227.23 $15.00 $5,986.23
Nonresidents of North Carolina
Hours Tuition Tuition Increment Required Fees Campus Security Fee Total
0-2 $2,826.25 $175.00 $409.04 $5.00 $3,415.29
3-5 $5,652.50 $350.00 $409.04 $5.00 $6,416.54
6-8 $8,478.75 $525.00 $818.07 $10.00 $9,831.82
9+ $11,305.00 $700.00 $1,227.23 $15.00 $13,247.23

  If you have further questions about the given rates, please contact The College of Design.

  Special Rates

  -Degree Seeking On Campus Student (on-campus subplan) takes either all on-campus courses or a mixture of on-campus and Distance Education (DE) courses:

  Billed at on-campus stair-step tuition and fees (no extra charge for either DE or on-campus credits above full time level of 9 SCH for a Graduate student or 12 SCH for an Undergraduate student.

  -DE Student (DE subplan) takes all DE courses:

  All billed at DE rate.

  -DE Student (DE subplan) takes some DE courses and some on campus:

  Billed at DE rate (tuition and DE fees) for DE courses.

  Billed at On-campus stair-step tuition and fees for on-campus courses.

  -Non-Degree Seeking (NDS) Students:

  Billed per credit hour at DE rates for DE classes.

  Billed at On-campus stair-step tuition and fees for on-campus courses.

  -All Undergraduate Studies (UGS) students are charged at the Undergraduate Rate. Post-Baccalaureate Studies (PBS) students who enroll in any 100-400 level courses only are also charged at the undergraduate rate. PBS students enroll in any 500-800 level courses are charged at the graduate rate for all courses for which they are registered.

  -Cooperative Education Program Fee: $430.00. Students enrolled for both co-op and other course work must pay the rates applicable to both type registrations.

  -Full-time faculty/staff course: Completed waiver for a given semester must be received in the Cashier's Office no later than 5:00 pm on the 10th day of classes for a Fall or Spring semester or the 3rd day of a summer session. For information concerning regulations, please visit Faculty Staff Tuition Waiver Regulations.


  -Undergraduates Degree students: the fee to audit a course is the same as if the course is taken for credit.

  -Graduate Degree students: when registering during the Fall or Spring semester and paying for other on-campus coursework, may register for one on-campus audit course at no charge. Distance Education courses do not qualify as the on-campus course work and are not eligible for the free audit.

  When registered for more than one audit course, only one will be free. Any additional audited courses will have the same rates as for credit courses. When registered for an audit course only, the rates are the same as for credit.


  Courses changed to Audit after the 10th day of a Fall or Spring semester are not eligible for the free audit. New audit courses added after the 10th day are not eligible for the free audit.
























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  Cost of Attendance – Graduate Students

  Estimated annual expenses for full time graduate students:


NC Residents

Out of State Residents

Tuition & Fees

$10,572 $25,094

Books & Supplies

$854 $854


$8,964 $8,964


$4,075 $4,075

Personal/Travel Expenses

$3,740 $3,740

Loan Fees

$180 $180


$28,385 $42,907

  Health insurance expenses are not included in the total cost of attendance. Students who purchase the University’s health insurance plan may contact their financial aid counselor to request the expense be included in their individual cost of attendance.

  *Indicated costs are good faith estimates. Tuition and fees are finalized with the NC Legislature vote in late summer.

  Note: Students enrolled in the following programs pay additional incremental tuition amounts. See the University Cashier’s Office for details.

  -Master’s of Accounting

  -Master’s of Architecture

  -Master’s of Art and Design

  -Master’s of Business Administration

  -Master’s of Financial Mathematics

  -Master’s of Global Innovation Management

  -Master’s of Graphic Design

  -Master’s of Industrial Design

  -Master’s of Landscape Architecture

  -Master’s of Science in Analytics

  Direct Costs (billed):

  Direct costs are billed by the University Cashier’s Office.

  -Tuition and fees are billed through the University Cashier’s Office several weeks before the beginning of each semester.

  -Health Insurance Opt In costs are billed by the University Cashier’s Office when you opt in or do not opt out with Student Health.

  Indirect Costs (not billed):

  Indirect costs are not billed by the University Cashier’s Office and are not directly paid by financial aid. These costs are based on averages of expenses reported by NC State Students. For personal budgeting purposes, you can use your own estimates for indirect expenses based on your expected personal spending and circumstances.

  -Off-campus Rent

  -Off-campus Food

  -Books and Supplies

  -Personal Expenses

  -Travel Expenses

  -Health Insurance Opt Out

  Fall 2016 - Spring 2017 Rates Per Semester


  Tuition Rates will not be final until the North Carolina Legislature Passes the Budget Bill

  An additional Mandatory Health Insurance charge will be included on your account unless you waive out of the semester premium charge.

Residents of North Carolina
Hours Tuition Required Fees * Campus Security Fee Total
0-2 $1,011.00 $409.04 $5.00 $1,425.04
3-5 $2,022.00 $409.04 $5.00 $2,436.04
6-8 $3,033.00 $818.07 $10.00 $3,861.07
9+ $4,044.00 $1,227.23 $15.00 $5,286.23
Nonresidents of North Carolina
Hours Tuition Required Fees * Campus Security Fee Total
0-2 $2,826.25 $409.04 $5.00 $3,240.29
3-5 $5,652.50 $409.04 $5.00 $6,066.54
6-8 $8,478.75 $818.07 $10.00 $9,306.82
9+ $11,305.00 $1,227.23 $15.00 $12,547.23

  * Students enrolled in the College of Engineering will be charged a COE Program Enhancement Fee.Graduate students will be charged $500 (9 or more hours), $333.30 (6-8 hours), and $166.65 (0-5 hours).

  Special Rates

  -Degree Seeking On Campus Student (on-campus subplan) takes either all on-campus courses or a mixture of on-campus and Distance Education (DE) courses:

  Billed at on-campus stair-step tuition and fees (no extra charge for either DE or on-campus credits above full time level of 9 SCH for a Graduate student or 12 SCH for an Undergraduate student.

  -DE Student (DE subplan) takes all DE courses:

  All billed at DE rate.

  -DE Student (DE subplan) takes some DE courses and some on campus:

  Billed at DE rate (tuition and DE fees) for DE courses.

  Billed at On-campus stair-step tuition and fees for on-campus courses.

  -Non-Degree Seeking (NDS) Students:

  Billed per credit hour at DE rates for DE classes.

  Billed at On-campus stair-step tuition and fees for on-campus courses.

  -All Undergraduate Studies (UGS) students are charged at the Undergraduate Rate. Post-Baccalaureate Studies (PBS) students who enroll in any 100-400 level courses only are also charged at the undergraduate rate. PBS students enroll in any 500-800 level courses are charged at the graduate rate for all courses for which they are registered.

  -Cooperative Education Program Fee: $490.00. Students enrolled for both co-op and other course work must pay the rates applicable to both type registrations.

  -Full-time faculty/staff course: Completed waiver for a given semester must be received in the Cashier's Office no later than 5:00 pm on the 10th day of classes for a Fall or Spring semester or the 3rd day of a summer session. For information concerning regulations, please visit Faculty Staff Tuition Waiver Regulations.


  -Undergraduates Degree students: the fee to audit a course is the same as if the course is taken for credit.

  -Graduate Degree students: when registering during the Fall or Spring semester and paying for other on-campus coursework, may register for one on-campus audit course at no charge. Distance Education courses do not qualify as the on-campus course work and are not eligible for the free audit.

  When registered for more than one audit course, only one will be free. Any additional audited courses will have the same rates as for credit courses. When registered for an audit course only, the rates are the same as for credit.

  Courses changed to Audit after the 10th day of a Fall or Spring semester are not eligible for the free audit. New audit courses added after the 10th day are not eligible for the free audit.

  Fall 2015 - Spring 2016 Rates Per Semester

  Veterinary Medicine (DV, DVM)

  An additional $863.50 Mandatory Health Insurance charge will be included on your account unless you waive out of the semester premium charge.

Residents of North Carolina
Hours Tuition Tuition Increment Required Fees Campus Security Fee Total
0-2 $1,224.50 $750.00 $390.27 $5.00 $2,369.77
3-5 2,449.00 1,500.00 390.27 5.00 4,344.27
6-8 3,673.50 2,250.00 780.55 10.00 6,714.05
9+ 4,898.00 3,000.00 1,170.94 15.00 9,083.94
Nonresidents of North Carolina
Hours Tuition Tuition Increment Required Fees Campus Security Fee Total
0-2 $4,326.25 $750.00 $390.27 $5.00 $5,471.52
3-5 8,652.50 1,500.00 390.27 5.00 10,547.77
6-8 12,978.75 2,250.00 780.55 10.00 16,019.30
9+ 17,305.00 3,000.00 1,170.94 15.00 21,490.94

  Special Rates

  -Degree Seeking On Campus Student (on-campus subplan) takes either all on-campus courses or a mixture of on-campus and Distance Education (DE) courses:

  Billed at on-campus stair-step tuition and fees (no extra charge for either DE or on-campus credits above full time level of 9 SCH for a Graduate student or 12 SCH for an Undergraduate student.

  -DE Student (DE subplan) takes all DE courses:

  All billed at DE rate.

  -DE Student (DE subplan) takes some DE courses and some on campus:

  Billed at DE rate (tuition and DE fees) for DE courses.

  Billed at On-campus stair-step tuition and fees for on-campus courses.

  -Non-Degree Seeking (NDS) Students:

  Billed per credit hour at DE rates for DE classes.

  Billed at On-campus stair-step tuition and fees for on-campus courses.

  -All Undergraduate Studies (UGS) students are charged at the Undergraduate Rate. Post-Baccalaureate Studies (PBS) students who enroll in any 100-400 level courses only are also charged at the undergraduate rate. PBS students enroll in any 500-800 level courses are charged at the graduate rate for all courses for which they are registered.

  -Cooperative Education Program Fee: $430.00. Students enrolled for both co-op and other course work must pay the rates applicable to both type registrations.

  -Full-time faculty/staff course: Completed waiver for a given semester must be received in the Cashier's Office no later than 5:00 pm on the 10th day of classes for a Fall or Spring semester or the 3rd day of a summer session. For information concerning regulations, please visit Faculty Staff Tuition Waiver Regulations.


  -Undergraduates Degree students: the fee to audit a course is the same as if the course is taken for credit.

  -Graduate Degree students: when registering during the Fall or Spring semester and paying for other on-campus coursework, may register for one on-campus audit course at no charge. Distance Education courses do not qualify as the on-campus course work and are not eligible for the free audit.

  When registered for more than one audit course, only one will be free. Any additional audited courses will have the same rates as for credit courses. When registered for an audit course only, the rates are the same as for credit.

  Courses changed to Audit after the 10th day of a Fall or Spring semester are not eligible for the free audit. New audit courses added after the 10th day are not eligible for the free audit.

  Fall 2016 - Spring 2017 Rates Per Semester

  Tuition Rates will not be final until the North Carolina Legislature Passes the Budget Bill

  Master of Science in Analytics

  An additional Mandatory Health Insurance charge will be included on your account unless you waive out of the semester premium charge.

Residents of North Carolina
Hours Tuition Tuition Increment Required Fees Campus Security Fee Total
0-2 $1,011.00 $1,250.00 $409.04 $5.00 $2,675.04
3-5 $2,022.00 $2,500.00 $409.04 $5.00 $4,936.04
6-8 $3,033.00 $3,750.00 $818.07 $10.00 $7,611.07
9+ $4,044.00 $5,000.00 $1,227.23 $15.00 $10,286.23
Nonresidents of North Carolina
Hours Tuition Tuition Increment Required Fees Campus Security Fee Total
0-2 $2,826.25 $1,250.00 $409.04 $5.00 $4,490.29
3-5 $5,652.50 $2,500.00 $409.04 $5.00 $8,566.54
6-8 $8,478.75 $3,750.00 $818.07 $10.00 $13,056.82
9+ $11,305.00 $5,000.00 $1,227.23 $15.00 $17,547.23

  Special Rates

  -Degree Seeking On Campus Student (on-campus subplan) takes either all on-campus courses or a mixture of on-campus and Distance Education (DE) courses:

  Billed at on-campus stair-step tuition and fees (no extra charge for either DE or on-campus credits above full time level of 9 SCH for a Graduate student or 12 SCH for an Undergraduate student.

  -DE Student (DE subplan) takes all DE courses:

  All billed at DE rate.

  -DE Student (DE subplan) takes some DE courses and some on campus:

  Billed at DE rate (tuition and DE fees) for DE courses.

  Billed at On-campus stair-step tuition and fees for on-campus courses.

  -Non-Degree Seeking (NDS) Students:

  Billed per credit hour at DE rates for DE classes.

  Billed at On-campus stair-step tuition and fees for on-campus courses.

  -All Undergraduate Studies (UGS) students are charged at the Undergraduate Rate. Post-Baccalaureate Studies (PBS) students who enroll in any 100-400 level courses only are also charged at the undergraduate rate. PBS students enroll in any 500-800 level courses are charged at the graduate rate for all courses for which they are registered.

  -Cooperative Education Program Fee: $430.00. Students enrolled for both co-op and other course work must pay the rates applicable to both type registrations.

  -Full-time faculty/staff course: Completed waiver for a given semester must be received in the Cashier's Office no later than 5:00 pm on the 10th day of classes for a Fall or Spring semester or the 3rd day of a summer session. For information concerning regulations, please visit Faculty Staff Tuition Waiver Regulations.


  -Undergraduates Degree students: the fee to audit a course is the same as if the course is taken for credit.

  -Graduate Degree students: when registering during the Fall or Spring semester and paying for other on-campus coursework, may register for one on-campus audit course at no charge. Distance Education courses do not qualify as the on-campus course work and are not eligible for the free audit.

  When registered for more than one audit course, only one will be free. Any additional audited courses will have the same rates as for credit courses. When registered for an audit course only, the rates are the same as for credit.

  Courses changed to Audit after the 10th day of a Fall or Spring semester are not eligible for the free audit. New audit courses added after the 10th day are not eligible for the free audit.

  Fall 2016 - Spring 2017 Rates Per Semester

  Tuition Rates will not be final until the North Carolina Legislature Passes the Budget Bill

  Master of Financial Mathematics

  An additional Mandatory Health Insurance charge will be included on your account unless you waive out of the semester premium charge.

Residents of North Carolina
Hours Tuition Tuition Increment Required Fees Campus Security Fee Total
0-2 $1,011.00 $750.00 $409.04 $5.00 $2,175.04
3-5 $2,022.00 $1,500.00 $409.04 $5.00 $3,936.04
6-8 $3,033.00 $2,250.00 $818.07 $10.00 $6,111.07
9+ $4,044.00 $3,000.00 $1,227.23 $15.00 $8,286.23
Nonresidents of North Carolina
Hours Tuition Tuition Increment Required Fees Campus Security Fee Total
0-2 $2,826.25 $750.00 $409.04 $5.00 $3,990.29
3-5 $5,652.50 $1,500.00 $409.04 $5.00 $7,566.54
6-8 $8,478.75 $2,250.00 $818.07 $10.00 $11,556.82
9+ $11,305.00 $3,000.00 $1,227.23 $15.00 $15,547.23

  Special Rates

  -Degree Seeking On Campus Student (on-campus subplan) takes either all on-campus courses or a mixture of on-campus and Distance Education (DE) courses:

  Billed at on-campus stair-step tuition and fees (no extra charge for either DE or on-campus credits above full time level of 9 SCH for a Graduate student or 12 SCH for an Undergraduate student.

  -DE Student (DE subplan) takes all DE courses:

  All billed at DE rate.

  -DE Student (DE subplan) takes some DE courses and some on campus:

  Billed at DE rate (tuition and DE fees) for DE courses.

  Billed at On-campus stair-step tuition and fees for on-campus courses.

  -Non-Degree Seeking (NDS) Students:

  Billed per credit hour at DE rates for DE classes.

  Billed at On-campus stair-step tuition and fees for on-campus courses.

  -All Undergraduate Studies (UGS) students are charged at the Undergraduate Rate. Post-Baccalaureate Studies (PBS) students who enroll in any 100-400 level courses only are also charged at the undergraduate rate. PBS students enroll in any 500-800 level courses are charged at the graduate rate for all courses for which they are registered.

  -Cooperative Education Program Fee: $430.00. Students enrolled for both co-op and other course work must pay the rates applicable to both type registrations.

  -Full-time faculty/staff course: Completed waiver for a given semester must be received in the Cashier's Office no later than 5:00 pm on the 10th day of classes for a Fall or Spring semester or the 3rd day of a summer session. For information concerning regulations, please visit Faculty Staff Tuition Waiver Regulations.


  -Undergraduates Degree students: the fee to audit a course is the same as if the course is taken for credit.

  -Graduate Degree students: when registering during the Fall or Spring semester and paying for other on-campus coursework, may register for one on-campus audit course at no charge. Distance Education courses do not qualify as the on-campus course work and are not eligible for the free audit.

  When registered for more than one audit course, only one will be free. Any additional audited courses will have the same rates as for credit courses. When registered for an audit course only, the rates are the same as for credit.

  Courses changed to Audit after the 10th day of a Fall or Spring semester are not eligible for the free audit. New audit courses added after the 10th day are not eligible for the free audit.

  College of Design

  Fall 2016 - Spring 2017 Rates Per Semester

  Tuition Rates will not be final until the North Carolina Legislature Passes the Budget Bill

  Master of Art and Design (MAD),

  Master of Industrial Design (MID),

  Master of Graphic Design (MGD),

  Master of Architecture, Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA)

  An additional Mandatory Health Insurance charge will be included on your account unless you waive out of the semester premium charge.

Residents of North Carolina
Hours Tuition Tuition Increment Required Fees Campus Security Fee Total
0-2 $1,011.00 $175.00 $409.04 $5.00 $1,600.04
3-5 $2,022.00 $350.00 $409.04 $5.00 $2,786.04
6-8 $3,033.00 $525.00 $818.07 $10.00 $4,386.07
9+ $4,044.00 $700.00 $1,227.23 $15.00 $5,986.23
Nonresidents of North Carolina
Hours Tuition Tuition Increment Required Fees Campus Security Fee Total
0-2 $2,826.25 $175.00 $409.04 $5.00 $3,415.29
3-5 $5,652.50 $350.00 $409.04 $5.00 $6,416.54
6-8 $8,478.75 $525.00 $818.07 $10.00 $9,831.82
9+ $11,305.00 $700.00 $1,227.23 $15.00 $13,247.23

  If you have further questions about the given rates, please contact The College of Design.

  Special Rates

  -Degree Seeking On Campus Student (on-campus subplan) takes either all on-campus courses or a mixture of on-campus and Distance Education (DE) courses:

  Billed at on-campus stair-step tuition and fees (no extra charge for either DE or on-campus credits above full time level of 9 SCH for a Graduate student or 12 SCH for an Undergraduate student.

  -DE Student (DE subplan) takes all DE courses:

  All billed at DE rate.

  -DE Student (DE subplan) takes some DE courses and some on campus:

  Billed at DE rate (tuition and DE fees) for DE courses.

  Billed at On-campus stair-step tuition and fees for on-campus courses.

  -Non-Degree Seeking (NDS) Students:

  Billed per credit hour at DE rates for DE classes.

  Billed at On-campus stair-step tuition and fees for on-campus courses.

  -All Undergraduate Studies (UGS) students are charged at the Undergraduate Rate. Post-Baccalaureate Studies (PBS) students who enroll in any 100-400 level courses only are also charged at the undergraduate rate. PBS students enroll in any 500-800 level courses are charged at the graduate rate for all courses for which they are registered.

  -Cooperative Education Program Fee: $430.00. Students enrolled for both co-op and other course work must pay the rates applicable to both type registrations.

  -Full-time faculty/staff course: Completed waiver for a given semester must be received in the Cashier's Office no later than 5:00 pm on the 10th day of classes for a Fall or Spring semester or the 3rd day of a summer session. For information concerning regulations, please visit Faculty Staff Tuition Waiver Regulations.


  -Undergraduates Degree students: the fee to audit a course is the same as if the course is taken for credit.

  -Graduate Degree students: when registering during the Fall or Spring semester and paying for other on-campus coursework, may register for one on-campus audit course at no charge. Distance Education courses do not qualify as the on-campus course work and are not eligible for the free audit.

  When registered for more than one audit course, only one will be free. Any additional audited courses will have the same rates as for credit courses. When registered for an audit course only, the rates are the same as for credit.


  Courses changed to Audit after the 10th day of a Fall or Spring semester are not eligible for the free audit. New audit courses added after the 10th day are not eligible for the free audit.
