
  Cost of attendance

  Each year, the Graduate School prepares a nine-month student expense budget defining standard allowances for education costs for graduate and professional students. Tuition and other budget figures for the 2015-16 academic year are listed below.

Tuition* and fees

$20,881 - $73,411

Housing and Dining Allowance (Room & Board)


Books and Supplies


Personal and Micellaneous Expenses


Total Cost of Attendance

$45,539 - $98,069

  *Contract college tuition for research degrees (M.A., M.S., M.S./Ph.D., Ph.D.) and non-degree students: $20,800. Endowed tuition for research degrees (M.A., M.S., M.S./Ph.D., Ph.D.) and non-degree students: $29,500. Professional degree tuition varies by program and may include summer tuition. All graduate students are assessed a mandatory activity fee currently set at $40.50 per semester or $81 per year.

  Housing and Dining (Room & Board)

  The housing and dining allowances should permit a student comfortable, but modest, housing and a balanced diet. Your living costs will depend on your lifestyle and living arrangements. Discretionary lifestyle choices cannot be subsidized by federal or private education loans.

  Books and Supplies

  The allowance for books and supplies is sufficient for the purchase of all required books and supplies.

  Personal and Micellaneous Expenses

  The personal allowance covers necessary student-related living expenses other than room and board and student health insurance, such as routine costs of transportation to and from campus, (including parking fees) and basic telephone service.


  Your education-related costs may be different from the budget we use for financial aid purposes. Please remember that you cannot use education loans (even private education loans) to cover costs above our published budget. You may have to plan carefully to ensure that you can meet all your expenses during the year.

  Additional Expenses

  Additional expenses, up to but not exceeding the amount listed below, can be used to increase the cost-of-attendance amount. However, this is determined on a case-by-case basis after a student submits appropriate documentation and completes the budget-increase form, available on our website.

Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP)

Cornell Health Insurance student premium**



Cornell Dental Health student premium**



Cornell Vision student premium**


One-time computer purchase (must provide receipt

as proof of purchase)


Dental(not covered by health insurance)

case by case

Medical(not covered by health insurance)

case by case

**For more information, please contact Student Health Insurance at 607-255-6363.

  2015-16Tuition Rates by Field for Graduate Research Degrees (MA, MS, MS/PhD, PhD), DMA, JSD, MFA, and Non-Degree Students in Ithaca-Based Progams

  Aerospace Engineering $29,500

  Animal Breeding $20,800

  Animal Science $20,800

  Anthropology $29,500

  Applied Economics & Management $20,800

  Applied Math $29,500

  Applied Physics $29,500

  Archaeology $20,800

  Architecture $29,500

  Art $29,500

  Asian Religions $29,500

  Asian Studies $29,500

  Astronomy & Space Sciences $29,500

  Atmospheric Sciences $20,800

  Biochemistry, Molecular & Cell Biology $20,800

  Biological & Environmental Engineering $20,800

  Biomedical Engineering $29,500

  Biometry $20,800

  Biophysics $20,800

  Chemical Engineering $29,500

  Chemistry & Chemical Biology $29,500

  City & Regional Planning $29,500*

  Civil & Environmental Engineering $29,500

  Classics $29,500

  Communication $20,800

  Comparative Biomedical Sciences $20,800

  Comparative Literature $29,500

  Computational Biology $29,500

  Computer Science $29,500

  Design & Environmental Analysis $20,800

  Development Sociology $20,800

  East Asian Literature $29,500

  Ecology & Evolutionary Biology $20,800

  Economics $20,800

  Education $20,800

  Electrical & Computer Engineering $29,500

  English Language & Literature $29,500

  Entomology $20,800

  Environmental Toxicology $20,800

  Fiber Science & Apparel Design $20,800

  Food Science & Technology $20,800

  Genetics & Development $20,800

  Geological Sciences $29,500

  Germanic Studies $29,500

  Government $29,500

  History $29,500

  History of Art, Archaeology, and Visual Studies $29,500

  Horticulture $20,800

  Hotel Administration $29,500

  Human Development $20,800

  Immunology $20,800

  Industrial & Labor Relations $20,800

  Information Science $29,500 *

  Law $29,500

  Linguistics $29,500

  Management $29,500

  Materials Science & Engineering $29,500

  Mathematics $29,500

  Mechanical Engineering $29,500

  Medieval Studies $29,500

  Microbiology $20,800

  Molecular & Integrative Physiology $20,800

  Music $29,500

  Natural Resources $20,800

  Near Eastern Studies $29,500

  Neurobiology & Behavior $20,800

  Nutrition $20,800

  Operations Research & Information Engineering $29,500

  Pharmacology $20,800

  Philosophy $29,500

  Physics $29,500

  Plant Biology $20,800

  Plant Breeding $20,800

  Plant Pathology & Plant-Microbe Biology $20,800

  Policy Analysis & Management $20,800

  Psychology $29,500

  Regional Science $20,800

  Romance Studies $29,500

  Science & Technology Studies $29,500

  Sociology $29,500

  Soil & Crop Sciences $20,800

  Statistics $20,800

  Theatre Arts $29,500

  Theoretical & Applied Mechanics $29,500

  Zoology & Wildlife Conservation $20,800
























