Making your money stretch as far as you can will be important to you when you are a student. This is made easier in Dundee as the cost of living here is approximately 14% lower than the UK average, meaning your money should go further.
We estimate that your living costs will range from £7,000 to £8,000 per academic year, but remember that your own expenditure will depend on your lifestyle and the funds available to you. You will spend more than normal in your first week or two as you establish yourself, but your expenditure will soon settle down, allowing you to manage your weekly budget carefully.
In addition to your tuition fees you will need to cover the following living expenses:
General expenses
Expenses | Approximate cost per month |
Accommodation (private & University-managed*) | £200 - £530 |
Food / Household Goods | £120 |
Entertainment | £75 |
Phone / Postage | £25 |
Incidents | £20 |
TOTAL | £440 - £770 |
* Please note that costs for accommodation will vary between the private sector and flats managed by the University. The range of costs we have given reflects this. Remember that University accommodation fees include the cost of utility bills such as electricity and insurance, whereas private accommodation does not. Please visit the Accommodation pages for full details of what's included.
Additional expenses
Possible additional expenses | Approximate cost per year |
Household Items | £120 |
Books & Stationery | £250 |
Warm Clothing | £250 |
Travel Outside Dundee | £200 |
Baggage Expenses | £180 |
TOTAL | £440 - £500 |