There will be various costs associated with living in the UK that you should allow for when preparing for your move.
Rents can vary from around £200-£270 per month for one room to around £450+ per month for a house. You would be expected to pay a deposit when you sign a rental agreement. Sometimes, a rental agreement will also include some of the other bills listed below.
Rates can range from £180-£400 per year depending on the size and usage of the property. Severn Trent supply water to Nottingham.
-Gas and Electricity
There are a number of suppliers and costs will vary.
-Council Tax
A Tax paid to local authorities for the provision of services such as rubbish collection, police, fire services and street maintenance. The cost depends on the value of the property you are living in, and the number of people over 18 years of age living there.
-Television Licence
You need a licence if you have a television, and you could be fined if you don’t have one. The cost of £145.50 can be spread over the year.
-Telephone and internet
Various deals are available with a variety of internet service providers. Packages range from £15-£30 per month for Broadband depending on your requirements. Most companies ask you sign a 12 month contract, so ensure you have the right package for you.
Most people choose to insure personal belongings and household possessions. There are comparison websites which can help you compare prices, for example
-Car Costs
Road tax, MOT and Car insurance are all requirements to run a car in the UK. See the DVLA (Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency) website for more information. Take care if you are buying a second hand car, although new cars are more costly.
-Public Transport Costs
The University is well served by public transport, including frequent and reliable bus links to the city centre, railway station and other areas of Nottingham.