Tuition fees range according to family income. The annual fee in Pavia ranges from about 500 to 3.600 euro. All students pay an initial deposit of about 660.00 upon registration (those in the lowest fee bracket are partially reimbursed at a later date). Students from developing countries (with study residence permits) qualify automatically for the lowest fee bracket.
Tuition fees at the University of Pavia are composed of a fixed fee and a variable fee. The variable fee is determined on an individual basis according to each student's financial situation.
The variable fee depends on the following two factors:
The degree course in which the students is enrolling
The student's financial situation and the assets and liabilities of the student's family.
Remember that the above figures are subject to change from one academic year to the next.
The shops and boutiques in the central area are open from Monday to Saturday from 9.00 to 12.30 and from 15.00/15.30 to 19.30. The department stores and supermarkets are usually open from Monday to Saturday from 9.00 to 19.30. Food shops are closed on Monday afternoons while other kind of shops are closed on Monday mornings. All shops are closed on Sundays.
To have an idea of the costs in Pavia, here you are some average prices of common goods:
1 kg of bread € 4.00
1 l. of fresh milk € 1.30
1 pizza € 5.00
1 pint of beer at the pub € 5.00
1 coffee in a café € 1.00
1 bus ticket € 1.25
1cinema ticket € 8.00
1 newspaper € 1.30
1 book € 15.00
Health insurance
Medical treatment
Non-EU citizens are requested to take out private health insurance before leaving their home country and to obtain a consular declaration of its validity for Italy. In order to get the Residence Permit they are in fact required to be in possession of a private Health Insurance for the entire duration of their stay in Italy.
Once in Pavia non-EU students who do not have such a private health insurance policy can enrol with the National Health Service. The subscription to the National Health Service offers a much wider range of services than other private insurance Companies. They will be assigned a General Practitioner (Medico di Base) and the costs for medical treatments in general will be cheaper. They will have to pay about € 149,77 for the subscription, the validity of which lasts until 31st December of the year on which it is subscribed.