Tuition fees (except for Erasmus students and non fee-paying exchange agreements)
Undergraduate student 3.200 € per semester
Postgraduate student 4.000 € per semester
Visiting students
Undergraduate student : 4.000 € per semester
Postgraduate student : 5.000 € per semester
Estimated living costs(Approximate costs of living based on 2014-15 for reference)
Accommodation (per month) :300 - 400 €
Transport (pass navigo metro 2 zones) :800 - 1200 €
Food (per month:70€
Others expenses (entertainement, shopping etc…) :200 €
Total (per month):1400 - 1800€
Please note that these prices are given as an indicator and can vary greatly.
Health insurance information
For European Union students
- Before arrival in France, students should request the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) from their home country’s social security center - The EHIC proves that you have social security coverage in your home country, you will not have to be affiliated to the Social Security in France
- If you choose a private health insurance instead of the EHIC, you will need an affiliation to a student social security center
For Non-European students
- Non-European staying more than 3 months have to be affiliated to the French Social Security and choose a payment center - The student Social Security fee for 2015-2016 will be available in July. In 2014-2015 the fee was 213€.
- Students will have to pay the social security fee by wire transfer prior to the start of the semester