As a student, you need to make sure that you have sufficient funding to cover all your basic expenses, such as food, rent, transportation, study materials, insurance, healthcare and any other unexpected expenses that may occur during your time in Åland and Finland.
The average cost of living in Finland and Åland is high and is comparable to that of the rest of Europe. Minimum living expenses for a single student amount to about €700-1,000/ month, depending on the cost of accommodation and healthcare expenses, for example.
Cost of Studying in Finland
As a student, it is important that you have sufficient funding for your entire stay in Finland. If not, you may have difficulty completing your studies and, if you are a foreign student, you may even need to leave the country if your residence permit is not renewed.
Tuition fees
There are no tuition fees at Åland University of Applied Sciences. There are also no scholarships available. Necessary books and study materials are paid for by the student.
Student Financial Aid
A foreign student must have lived in Finland for at least two years for some purpose other than studies, and be considered a permanent resident in Finland to be able to apply for student financial aid. Finnish students are granted financial aid if their studies are considered full-time studies, i.e. if they comprise at least five credit units per month.
Åland University of Applied Sciences does not offer scholarships, apart from grants for exchange studies abroad. Although there are not many opportunities to obtain scholarships for Bachelor-level studies in Finland, information on scholarships is provided by the Centre for International Mobility (CIMO) and Finnish diplomatic missions. You can also contact the Board of Education in your home country for information on international scholarships.