The University focuses on the training of research personnel that defines the main tasks of its scientific work
The main tasks in this area are:
providing necessary conditions for continuous and interrelated training and research processes to form qualified research specialists;
supporting and developing scientific schools based on the University chairs and at the institutes of Novosibirsk Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
providing the fullest application and development of scientific and technical potential of NSU;
involving students and postgraduates in scientific research at all the training stages.
The University research are focused on solving tasks in the priority areas of fundamental science and critical technologies designed at SB RAS and the Ministry of Education of Russia.
The main feature of NSU research is their close integration with research carried out at institutions of Novosibirsk Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The integration is based on the agreement for the main principles of interaction of NSU, Ministry of Education of Russia and SB RAS.
The integration is achieved by means of forming cooperative educational, education and research centers, research laboratories, institutes and chairs.
These principles are clearly presented in the Federal Target Program “Integration”.
Under this program almost all the NSU departments and chairs have created more than 20 educational and research centers. They jointly arrange field works, scientific conferences and schools as well as publish course books.
Further research integration includes:
ongoing coordination and adjustment of scientific fields in the formation of subjects for research and innovation
development and support for training in priority areas of basic research and critical technologies on the basis of NSU and the leading scientific schools of Novosibirsk Scientific Center of SB RAS
establishment of dually subordinated cooperative laboratories providing technological training in breakthrough technologies of XXI century;
development of experimental and material facilities for cooperative research of SB RAS institutes and NSU.
Scientific research at the University is also developing in co-operation, particularly in the applied field, with major scientific and industrial enterprises and companies that use science intensive technologies.
The above mentioned research, objectives and goals are fulfilled both at NSU departments and chairs as well as in specific units, such as:
Division of Scientific Research;
The Department of International Research Programs;
Problem research laboratories;
Department of postgraduate studies.
NSU Vice-Rector for Research, corresponding member of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Sergey Viktorovich Netyosov,
Phone +7 (383) 330-22-42, +7 (383) 363-40-02,
fax +7 (383) 330-22-42,