Japanese Government Scholarship System
The Japanese Government Scholarship System provides scholarships for the following seven groups of students: research students, teacher training students, undergraduate students, Japanese language/Japanese studies students, college of technology students, special training college students, and Young Leaders' Program students.
Among these, only the following four groups of students are accepted at Kobe University:
1. Research students
2. Teacher training students
3. Undergraduate students
4. Japanese language/Japanese studies students
Students will be provided the following amount in Japanese yen:
Undergraduate Level (Japanese language/Japanese studies students)
1. Monthly Stipend: (As of April 2013) ¥120,000
2. Tuition: Exempt
3. Travel Expense: Round-trip airplane ticket is provided
Selected students must first enroll in a 1-year Japanese language course at either Tokyo University of Foreign Studies or Osaka University. After completion of this language course, students must take the entrance examination for Kobe University.
Graduate Level (research student, teacher training students)
1. Monthly Stipend: (As of April 2013)
Research students: ¥146,000 Master's course: ¥147,000 Doctoral course: ¥148,000
2. Tuition:Exempt
3. Travel Expense:Round-trip airplane ticket will be provided
Applicants who passed the preliminary selection examination conducted at Japanese Embassies/Consulates are required to obtain a Letter of acceptance or Letter of admission from Kobe University. Please contact a professor of Kobe University to obtain a letter of acceptance by the end of August.
Duration of the Scholarship
(In case research (non-degree) students)
If arriving in April: 24 months from April
If arriving in October: 18 months from October
(Master's and Doctoral students) Usual number of years required for completion
In either case, the duration of the scholarship includes a 6-month 'on request base' Japanese language-training period. This training will be given to students who feel that their Japanese language ability is insufficient.
Letter of Acceptance and Admission
To obtain the Letter of Acceptance and Admission, first consider and select the guidance professor to receive research guidance from, then approach the professor by email, fax, or postal mail to inquire for the possibility of acceptance. Please consult the professor about the research contents and study plan, too. The professor might conduct interview.