
2015-08-27 09:59:50 王珂 日本留学入学指南

  Regular Courses

  Regular courses of study are for the duration of 4 years. Acquisition of credits required entitles the student to a Bachelors Degree. However, in School of Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, or Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, the courses of study are for 6 years, and the student will be granted the Degree of Doctor of Medicine [Gakushi (Igaku)], the Degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery [Gakushi (Shigaku)], or the Degree of Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences [Gakushi (Yakugaku)] upon completion.

  There are 2 ways to enroll in regular courses: the general entrance exam (same exam administrated to Japanese students) and the exam for Privately-Funded students. Please choose one exam for the Faculty/School of your choice.

  The admission date for regular students is at the beginning of each academic year (April). A student wishing to enroll in the regular course of study can choose one of the following two ways:

  The General Entrance Examination

  Admission Requirements

  Applicants for admission as a first year undergraduate student must satisfy one of the following:

  (a) Graduation or expected graduation from an upper secondary (senior high) school by March 31 of the year which wishes to enroll.

  (b) Completion or expected completion of 12 years of regular curricular studies by March 31 of the year which wishes to enroll.

  (c) Attainment of any other qualification recognized as equivalent or superior to one of the two requirements above by article 150 in Ordinance for Enforcement of the School Education Act by March 31 of the year wishes to enroll.


  Selection is based on the results of the examinations proctored by Hiroshima University and a review of each applicant's school transcripts after having taken the National Center Test for University Entrance Admissions.


  (a) Applications for the National Center Test for University Entrance Admissions will be accepted from the beginning of October until the middle of October for the Examination given in January of the following year. For details, please consult with the National Center for University Entrance Examinations.

  (b) Applications for the General Entrance Examination will be accepted from the end of January until the beginning of February for the examination given in February (for the former exam) and in March (for the latter exam).

  Exam for Privately-Funded International Students

  Students must satisfy the necessary conditions as follows upon taking both the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU) (required subjects vary according to the Faculty) and the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL ®) or the Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC ®).

  (a) Completion of 12 years of formal education abroad, expected completion by March 31 of the year of admission or a recognition by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, as having completed the equivalent education.

  (b) Attainment of an International Baccalaureate by the International Bureau of Baccalaureate; must be 18 years old by March 31 of the year of admission.

  (c) Attainment of the qualification of Abitur; must be 18 years old by March 31 of the year of admission.

  (d) Attainment of the Baccalaureat de I'Enseignement du Second Degre; must be 18 years old by March 31 of the year of admission.


  Selection will be based on the results of the examinations proctored by Hiroshima University and a review of school transcripts, as well as an examination of the results of the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU) and the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL®) or the Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC®).


  (a) For details about the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU), please contact the following office: Japan Student Support Organization (JASSO)

  (b) Applications for the Entrance Examination are accepted from the end of January until the beginning of February for the examination given in February (for the former exam) and in March (for the latter exam). For details about examination, please contact our Admissions Center.











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