There are countless make up tutorials teaching women how to hide the visible effects of a night out.
But the tired, haggard look is exactly what women in Japan are after.
Hangover beauty is the latest make up trend sweeping the country, achieved my applying blush under the eyes and wet-look hair.
The end result is a sickly, dishevelled appearance.
The red around the eyes gives the impression of being unwell and in need of looking after, while the wet-look hair provides a contrasting sexy feel.
The look is so popular, there have even been make up tutorials dedicated to applying the perfect red-rimmed eye blush.
A make up tutorial by zWinnieYap, a step-by-step guide for applying Harajuku soft blush eye make up, has been viewed more than 100,000 times.
In it, the make up artist starts by filling in her brows, before applying a cream, glitter blush to her eye lid.
She then creates depth by applying a dark brown shadow around her lashes and up to the crease of her eye lid.
The make up artist then applied a soft pink blush, usually applied to the cheeks, under her eyes, which she extended down to her cheekbone and slightly towards her temple.
She applied a dark brown and charcoal eyeliner around the rims of her eyes, before finishing the look with false lashes.
In January this year, Femail reported on other sickly Japanese make up trends including aegyo sal, which involves women creating bags under their eyes using shading or tape.
The puffy, eye-bag look gives the appearance of tiredness or having trouble sleeping, a trend especially popular in Korea.
As well as baggy eyes, Japanese beauty ideals have included canine teeth extensions for a crooked smile.