7 Berkeley
去 Berkeley一共两次, 与教授面谈只一次. 没去之前觉得它不过是一所优秀的公立学校, 去了之后发现...它简直是神一样的学校. 不输给MIT或Chicago(当然, 只是从博士项目的培养精英思路上来看...从别的很多方面, berkeley还是要差一些的).
特色: 培养未来的学术领袖. 前两年无任何写PAPER的硬性要求, 无TA或RA要求. 三门MKT课, 之外全是经济课, 因为"we know what courses are useful." 课程设置没有普通的seminar,就是老师找几篇论文大家瞎讨论. "That's a waste of time. You can learn nothing from a seminar like that, and unfortunately, most schools like to do that because it is an easy way for the professors." "We are trying to make our professors to spend more time in teaching, and to treat each class seriously: that's why at Berkeley all courses are theoretically organized." "Students also participate in most of our research presentations/seminars." "We have no requirement of publication for graduation." "Before you learnt a strong know-how, you can not produce any quality research outputs." 众所周知, Berkeley是theoretical大牛校.
招生: "We don't emphasize too much on the GMAT: it's too aggregate." "Overall GPA does not provide enough information either: We will look at each and every course." "We know most of the schools and their courses, so we can actually compare the candidates from their transcripts" "I do not look at students' research experience at all, but some faculty in the committee likes to read their writing samples."
(小插曲: 我argue说 中国的学校与美国的不一样, 拿3.5以上的GPA不那么容易. 教授说:"But I have seen many students from PKU and THU with a GPA of 3.9 plus" 狂被打击).
竞争难度: 4.5
8 Stanford
强烈不支持陶瓷. 申请费真贵啊.
特色: 在大家都搞MKT分裂的时候, GBS毅然反潮流, 强调QUANT和CB的有机结合与不可分割. 呵呵, 颇有HBS的傲气.
招生: 不详
竞争难度: 5
9 Yale
电话和邮件联系了某著名教授, 欲亲自前去被"谢绝"
项目很小很精. 教授的文章也很少很精
其中一个印度教授, 也很聪明. 让人印象深刻.
招生偏好: 常青藤的学校有通性: 就是本科背景至上!.推荐信至上.
竞争难度: 4.5