﹝福建省﹞ 福州端午旧俗,媳妇于是日以寿衣、鞋袜、团粽、扇子进献公婆。建阳县以五日为药王晒药囊日,人家皆于此日作酱。上杭县端午用小艇缚芦苇作龙形戏于水滨,称为竞渡。仙游县端午竞渡后,献纸于虎啸潭,以吊念嘉靖癸年戚继光于此溺兵。邵武府端午节前,妇女以绛纱为囊盛符。又以五色绒作方胜,联以彩线,系于钗上。幼女则悬之于背,称为“窦娘”。
Guangdong Province, the Dragon Boat Festival Conghua County noon to burning eyes and wash hands after the spill on the Road, known as the "send a disaster." Dragon Boat Festival, people close to the temple from its advocacy of statues greet tour guide. Wizards and water law, who posted at the expulsion of evil magic. Dragon Boat Festival, children's kite-flying, known as the "release calamity."
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