Tell us about the courses selection in this program. Any special courses you like?
Math Finance I & II (Hull + Luenberger).
Numerical Analysis I & II (Matlab).
Portfolio Theory.
Fixed Income Securities.
Complex Financial Instruments (Wilmott).
Financial Modeling (EViews).
Investments (Bodie).
International Finance.
Supervised Research – Citibank Yield Book.
Other courses which were available but which I did not take:
Management of Financial Institutions.
Financial Policies and Strategy.
Mergeres & Acquisitions.
Financial Statement Analysis
On a scale of 1-10, how would you grade the flexibility of the curriculum?
Tell us about the quality of teaching
Quality of teaching was very good. Did not bother to contact the TA for anything. Most of the students study in groups, so you really need to find 3 or 4 people whom you feel comfortable studying with.
On a scale of 1-10, how would you grade the quality of teaching?